Not in Brisbane Unconference Sessions

Here is the place for anyone Not in Brisbane for OEGlobal 2024 to in lieu of a presentation post a… maybe call it an “unpresentation”, DIY style, meaning Design It Yourself. We started thinking of asking for Virtual Posters, but instead are suggesting rather than create a poster (object) to Be a Poster, someone who posts here.

With Apologies to Magritte…

Remix in the the style of René Magritte’s The Treachery of Images made by Alan Levine using Pixabay image by 200 Degrees

We are asking that you try to think around the usual idea of this as an online conference built around presenting online. Can you think beyond the idea of a “presentation” as for this Unconference there is no fixed nor guaranteed audience, so yes, you can certainly present your work, research, project, but it can be more effective if you offer something for a viewer to do, respond, or contribute in this asynchronous environment.

Here is an opportunity to “present” your work, research, projects in a way outside the usual presentation format.

This might include, but is not limited to:

  • A request for feedback or provide examples, suggested resources for an open education effort.
  • An interactive activity or experience participants can do with an OER, a tool, an activity you share. Can they produce something to share as a response?
  • A short video- something perhaps lightning talk length.
  • An open dialogue or debate about an issue or brainstorming a solution to a problem.
  • A call to work together on a task via collaborative platform e.g. an editable document, etherpad, padlet, miro board, etc.
  • Anything else

For some inspiration, review the Unconference activities from the OEGlobal22 created by participants unable to travel to Nantes.

The main requirement is that is that your Unconference session is connected to the idea of the Open is Everybody’s Business theme for OEGlobal 2024 which is… well open to many things.

The 2024 Conference Theme is ‘Open is Everyone’s Business ’ to encapsulate the notion that openness is not only the purview of librarians, education designers, and faculty but rather includes staff from across the entire institution and into the broader community. It encompasses the entire education sector, the GLAM (Gallery, Libraries, Archives, & Museums) sector, policymakers, citizen science groups, and more. All have a role to play in creating a society where free and open access to knowledge is practised, normalised, and valued.

You can provide any relevant materials that you wish to share and provide some prompts or questions for how participants should respond.

The Format is Wide Open

We strongly urge you to step out of the box of the familiar conference presentation mode and consider including open discussions, requests for feedback, calls for contributions/sharing of OER, self-paced activities that might result in sharable outcomes.

If you really want to offer a synchronous online event, you will have to host it in a platform you can manage. Please make use of the OEG Connect tool to generate a date/time display that appears in a reader’s local time zone

Include an Ask

Beyond sharing content, projects, a key element is including questions for a potentially interested person to respond with. You might ask for examples, critique, resources, etc. Include specific prompts at the end of your post.

Promote/Share your Session

These sessions will be available in the Unconference area, but that does not necessarily generate action! It is also on you to recruit participants or promote it Use the share links) so people can find and participate. Use your local networks, social media, email, personal charm, use the @username convention here to mention an OEG Connect user.

Other suggestions are to participate in other discussions here as well as posting announcements, reminders, updates in the conference Interaction Zone.

Post Your Unconference Session

When you are ready to post your session, navigate to Not in Brisbane Unconference Activities
and click the + New Topic button (you must be logged in to OEG Connect to see that button).

When you open the window to describe your session you will find a suggested template to help organize your activity, but feel free to edit it any way you see fit.

:pencil2: See also the OEG Connect Writing Tips for help.

Thanks for creating an unconference unpresentation activity…

If you have any questions, reply below or ask @cogdog for help.

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