We are excited to see you at the Open Education Global 2024 conference in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, from 13–15 November 2024!
With the Program now finalised and available via Sched and the website, you can start making the decisions from our concurrent streams and exploring the venue.
Keep reading for important information, helpful tips, and how to get the best from OEGlobal 2024.
Nearly time to start travelling!
1. What to do right now!
- Take a look at the exciting OEGlobal 2024 conference program!
- See who will be at OEGlobal 2024
- If you are a presenter, you should also read the Presenters’ Guide, and
- Please review the Conference Code of Conduct.
As an attendee …
Let people know you will be in Brisbane at #OEGlobal24 and why!
- You can use the graphic above on social media. Download it here.
- Or click here to share this tweet from your X account.
Cruise the Program!
- On the OEGlobal24 program platform, upload or update your profile, profile photo, social, and contact information.
- Download the Sched app on your phone – Apple • Google Play – to have the OEGlobal program with you at all times.
- Create your personalized schedule by marking the sessions you plan to attend. You can get the best from Sched with this Attendee Guide.
- Before arriving at the conference, please take time to read the Code of Conduct.
Get involved in the AND Conference program in OEG Connect
- Join the conversation and activities (link allows you to create an account if you do not have one now) from 28th October – 1st November and beyond!
- Explore the OEGlobal 2024 area in OEG Connect.. Find out how to participate in OEGlobal Connect here.
- Tune into the Conference of the Air!
- Look to the AND Conference Concept post for a growing list of suggested activities, starting with creating accounts, adding yourself to a participant group, exploring activities to introduce yourself and meet others.
- For those giving talks in Brisbane, presenters can augment their sessions in OEG Connect with media, links, slides, and questions to start discussions (pending posting of abstracts there).
- For those who will not be in Brisbane we have an open space for you to be a part of the conference as a”Virtual Poster”, someone who posts an activity, discussion question, shared resource.
- Everyone is invited to participate in the Interaction Zone activities, or create your own.
Engage on Social Media
- Get busy on Social Media!
- Use these OEGlobal24 theme visuals in your posts
- Check-in with other travellers on OEGlobal Connect, and share photos and videos of your journey to #OEGlobal24!
- Most of our engagement will be on X/Twitter or Mastodon, so be sure to use the hashtags #OEGlobal24 & #OEGlobal !
- Tag @OpenEdGlobal on X/Twitter or Instagram
2. Plan your trip
Getting around Brisbane
- Here’s a rundown on Brisbane with some key tips about transport, weather, what plugs to bring, etc…
- The Convention Centre Visitor’s Guide is also useful.
- Public Transport: Whilst visiting Brisbane, please note the public transportation costs (via Translink) have been significantly reduced, with many fares posted at AUD0.50 (USD0.33/CAN0.46/GBP0.25). You can find out more about the transportation network via the Translink website.
When you arrive in Brisbane
The venue:
- The Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre entrance is on the corner of Merivale and Glenelg Streets.
- The stairs or lifts will take you to the Plaza Level (Red Level) and the conference registration desk.
- The registration desk will open on Wednesday, 13th November from 7:45am (the conference begins at 8.30 am sharp). It will be staffed throughout the day.
- High-speed internet will be available to all delegates within the Convention Centre; details will be shared on the day.
- Here’s more information on the venue.
- Take a digital tour of the venue (Plaza Foyer) or look at the full map.
- The physical footprint of the conference has been deliberately kept small, so you’ll easily find your way between sessions, and there is no long transit between rooms. However, if you experience any difficulties or have any questions, our volunteers will be visible and willing to help.
Wednesday, 13 November
- 07:45 – Collect your badges at the OEGlobal 2024 Welcome Desk, Plaza Level (Red Level). Enter at Merivale and Glenelg Streets and take the escalators to Plaza Level (Red Level).
- 08:00 – Tea & Coffee
- 08:30 – Welcome to the Country
- 08:45 – Welcome to OEGlobal 2024
- 09:00 – Keynote: Reclaiming Data, Reclaiming Culture: Indigenous Self-Determination in Digital Research Infrastructure by Robert dhurwain McLellan
- 10:00-16:30 – Conference Program
- 17:30 -19:30: The Welcome Reception at Queensland University of Technology is a short walk from the Convention Centre.
Thursday, 14th November
- 08:45 – Day 2 Opening Remarks
- 09:00 – Keynote: From Passive Absorption to Empowered Co-Creation by Siobhan Leachman
- 10:00-16:00 – Conference Program
- 16:00: Plenary: Meet the Winners of the 2024 Open Education Awards for Excellence / Conference Announcements
Friday, 15th October
- 08:45 – Day 3 Opening Remarks & Announcements
- 09:00 – Keynote: Open to Social Justice Transformation: What has higher education got to do with it? by Penny Jane Burke
- 10:00-16:00 – Conference Program
- 13:30 – Invited Presentation: What will education feel like in 2034? by Martin Dougiamas
- 16:00 – Plenary: , [Closing Panel - Reflections on ‘Open as Everyone’s Business’] OEGlobal 2024: Closing Panel - Reflections on 'Open as...)
Important Information:
Breakfast is not provided at the conference venue, but there will be a lot of food throughout the day. It will be a busy few days, so make sure you fuel yourself prior to arrival.
If you are not feeling well: please do not attend. Watch the live stream instead (to be linked)!
Need help?
Find it online here.
Read our safe space guide.
3. Explore and bookmark the OEGlobal 2024 Program
The entire Open Education Global 2024 conference program is visible on Sched. Please note, there may be changes over the last few weeks.
You should have received a Welcome email from Sched. If you haven’t, please email us. If you haven’t used Sched before, please register to access the site. You can download the app on your phone – Apple • Google Play – to have the OEGlobal program in your hand.
Navigate the OEGlobal24 program
The 3-day in-person event has an exciting schedule of x sessions. There are 3 exciting keynote and 1 featured speakers who are all exploring the concept of education being “open for everyone’s business.” All three keynotes will be live streamed on YouTube and also available for later viewing.
- Wednesday 2024-11-12T23:00:00Z – Reclaiming Data, Reclaiming Culture: Indigenous Self-Determination in Digital Research Infrastructure by Robert dhurwain McLellan
- Thursday 2024-11-13T23:00:00Z - Siobhan Leachman will talk about: From Passive Absorption to Empowered Co-Creation
- Friday, 2024-11-14T23:00:00Z - Penny Jane Burke will ask “Open to Social Justice Transformation: What has higher education got to do with it?”
You can also look forward to …
- Lightning Talks
- Panel discussions
- Presentations across all thematic areas
- Work.shops
- Wild Card Sessions!
If you are interested in specific tracks, then view the sessions arranged by theme (the platform allows you to bookmark your favorites):
- Keynotes
- Advocacy
- Anti-racism
- Artificial Intelligence
- Developing Skills in OE
- Digital Capability
- Diversity Equity and Inclusion
- Equity
- First Nations
- Global Access and Equity
- OE Practice in the GLAM Sector
- OER in Higher Education
- Open Pedagogy
- Open Publishing
- Practice and Policy in OE
- Practice in OE
- Presentation
- Repositories
- Social Justice
- Sustainability
- WIL and Micro credentials
A program of this complexity would not be possible without the help of our Program Chairs and the amazing OEGlobal 2024 Review Committee. Thank you to all!
4. AND Conference on OEG Connect
OEGlobal24 is not just for the people who are in Brisbane – it is also for on-going discussions with your global colleagues long after you’ve left! Join the conversations, have some fun with some of the activities, share your latest Aussie author, discuss themes and the topics raised at the OEGlobal 2024 portal on OEG Connect.
- Log in or create a new OEG Connect account Need more help? See the Conference Connect Guide.
- Fill out or update your profile you can customize and share what you wish.
- Add yourself to the conference contacts
- Discuss and share your expectations of the conference – here are some discussion points to get started:
- Read the OEGlobal24 Participants guide on OEG Connect.
- For OEGlobal 2024? IB or NIB
- How Far Are You to Brisbane? Plot on a distance calculating map tool and share
- What’s your AEQ? (Australia Experience Quotient)
- Books about Australia
- Braiding Again at OEGlobal 2024 what might this look like for you?
- How About a Hello?
- Introduce yourself by replying to any / many of the Interaction Zone activities
- Participate in any of the online Pre/Unconference events starting October 28 or suggest more we should add.
- For those who will be In Brisbane, log in and start personalizing your days in the online program (Sched). And get ready to add onto your session details since we publish them in the In Brisbane Presentations space.
- For those Not in Brisbane, look into the Conference area and consider what you might add there as a “Poster” (not the thing but a person who posts something to share.
- Send a link from any thing here in OEG Connect to a colleague or friend, and suggest they be part of the action here! How? See the share button
on every post here. Make use of the favorite button at the bottom of topics too.
OEGlobal 2024 Navigator
Conference Website 17 •
Full Program (in Sched)
Conference Main Area The virtual lobby
Conference Information Updates and News
Sponsors and Partners Meet and Connect with Sponsors
In Brisbane Conference Sessions See and discuss in-person conference sessions
Interaction Zone Connect and interactions for all
Not In Brisbane Unconference Activities A space for those who cannot attend to contribute/share