This webinar addresses the Facilitating International Cooperation UNESCO OER action area. A recording of this session will be added as soon as possible.
UNESCO OER Action Area: Facilitating International Cooperation
Webinar Chair: Carolina Botero Cabrera @carobotero
When (converted to your local time):
2021-10-01T14:00:00Z → 2021-10-01T15:50:00Z
Duration: 1h 50m
Language: Español
Webinar Access (registered conference participants only):
- Introductions by session chair and rapporteur to action area and to presenters (~10 minutes)
Presentations (20 minutes each)
Informe y sitio web sobre el estado de las flexibilidades de derechos de autor en los países de América Latina (Report and website on the status of copyright flexibilities in Latin American countries)
Patricia Diaz y Carolina Botero Cabrera -
Educación Libre y Soberanía Tecnológica: La necesidad de reabrir el debate sobre la dependencia tecnológica y los comunes (Open Education and Technological Sovereignty: The need to reopen the debate on technology dependence and the commons)
Iván Terceros -
Itinerarios abiertos de prácticas educativas ambientales: aportes desde Argentina (Open itineraries of environmental educational practices: contributions from Argentina)
Virginia Brussa
Informe y sitio web sobre el estado de las flexibilidades de derechos de autor en los países de América Latina (Report and website on the status of copyright flexibilities in Latin American countries)
- Discussion: Led by session chair drawing on presentations and online participant comments and questions (~30 minutes).
Webinar Recording
Direct Links to Presentations within the Webinar
Informe y sitio web sobre el estado de las flexibilidades de derechos de autor en los países de América Latina (Report and website on the status of copyright flexibilities in Latin American countries)
Educación Libre y Soberanía Tecnológica: La necesidad de reabrir el debate sobre la dependencia tecnológica y los comunes (Open Education and Technological Sovereignty: The need to reopen the debate on technology dependence and the commons)
Itinerarios abiertos de prácticas educativas ambientales: aportes desde Argentina (Open itineraries of environmental educational practices: contributions from Argentina)
Sección de preguntas y respuestas (Questions and Answers)
Reply below with comments, questions about the action area as a whole or specifically respond to each presentation