How Far To/From Nantes?

Share your distance! This could be the map distance you might be traveling to be in Nantes or how close/far from Nantes you are participating via the AND Conference.

Use a tool like Distance From/To to determine this number, and share the results (miles or kilometers, you choose), and ideally a screenshot of your results.

For me, located in central Canada, as an AND conference participant I will be 6557 km / 4323 miles away from the conference action. But I will do everything I can to virtually close the distances.

As people share their map distances, post a reply if your distance number is relative close to theirs. If we get many responses, we will generate some data visualizations of our collective Nante distances.

What’s your distance to/from Nantes?


According to it is 9777 nautical miles from the Port of Los Angeles, California, to the Port of Nantes, France. That’s 1,1251 miles or 18,107 kilometers.
I would have had to set sail more than a month ago to arrive in time for #OEGlobal22!


That would be a scenic month’s journey, Mark! I like how you took the less direct path for distance, you earned bonus points.


Using Distance Between Cities Places On Map Distance Calculator (


6 678.01 km


5503.68 km


Open Education Day (CH)
435.11 km


Atelier: Ressources Educatives Libres — EduTech Wiki (
142.89 km


596.33 km


Also using, Vancouver, BC, Canada to Nantes, France is:

7905.42 km

4912.20 miles

4268.58 nautical miles

I’ll be that far away as I’m NotInNantes!

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I, too, used to calculate the distance from my home, where I will participating in the AND Conference, to those who are in Nantes.

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As per I am 7856.71 km away from Nantes.

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Hello! I used and it says that I am 7418.13 kms far from Nantes. Now that is far! And my mind travelled all that distance imagining the stopovers/ lay-overs :face_with_hand_over_mouth:, especially at Istanbul…

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Coming from Sudan, it will be a great opportunity to meet you all in the context.

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TIL: Bratislava (Slovakia), Vienna (Austria), Munich (Germany) and Nantes (France) can be connected by a straight (Great Circle) line. Who knew! :smiley:

Pretty much exactly 1400 kilometers to go today.

See you Not In Nantes today & see you in Nantes tomorrow! :slight_smile:

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:wave: to OE Global 2022 participants from the deep south of the South Island of New Zealand. Will try to participate asynchronously as much as time zone differences allow. With apology, the put New Zealand in a funny place :joy:

Looks like I’m 19263Km away from folk attending this event. Sorry that I can’t be there in person (but pleased I didn’t need to make that haul).

Have a great conference and look forward to following the conversation here.


You might win the distance contest Wayne! That is close to what Ze Frank played as the “Earth Sandwich”

I did that journey in 2008 flying from Wellington to Barcelona…


Yeah - If you take in transit time into account, it’s like spending the equivalent of a working week on the move.

The Frontiers for Young Minds team are on our way!
I’m dialling in to the Keynote and many other sessions remotely from our home base in Switzerland, and my amazing colleague @savagewm (Will Savage) is on his way, flying 800km from CH to FR