Tēnā koutou katoa! Greetings to you all, also from the far south (but not quite as far south as @Mackiwg ) of New Zealand - I’m pleased to be able to join you all from Christchurch. Thanks for adding a bit of northern light to our murky, misty, chilly winter morning! I work with @Mackiwg at the OER Foundation - we both work remotely all the time - to democratise higher education for those who, for whatever reason, don’t have access to it now.
And a big “howdy” Dave, you and Wayne are our first posting guests. I can’t think of too many open source blogs that share as much as here https://tech.oeru.org/ That’s well worth more than just a bookmark.
Dave, great to see you here in this space. Been a long time since I last saw you in person. So pleased to see the way OERu has established itself and built out its business model from those early days when we workshopped it together. Welcome.
My open education journey started in 2009. Since then I have been promoting OERs and OER-enabled eLearning through various Faculty Development Programmes in India and other Asian countries.
Our Foundation is in the process of developing OER-enabled eCourses for school education in India.
Looking forward to connecting with open educators with similar interests.
Thank you for joining this community early, bringing your open education experience, and hopefully sharing more about the work your foundation is doing.
Our Foundation will be presenting “Preparing Higher Education Teachers for A Rapid Transition to Blended Online Learning” at MoodleMoot Global.
Will be showcasing how our Foundation’s 10-Day “eLearning for Professional Development” (#eL4PD) Programme offered in April and May 2020 enabled 100 participants to make a rapid transition to Moodle-enabled teaching, learning and and assessment and conduct live sessions using BigBlueButton.