What Happens After the Conference?

Look here for the actions that will follow the online conference, including the publishing of the Rapporteur Reports and activities that will bridge this online conference to the May 22, 2022 Congress in Nantes.

We invite all participants to post their own suggestions as to what should be the next steps to further implement ideas discussed at the conference.

Rapporteur Reports

We ask Rapporteurs to create a “new topic” in this Next Steps area for posting their reports, using a title that reflects the scope of your report.

You can compose the report here in OEG Connect using all of its editing features, or copy/paste in your report if composed elsewhere.

Please include as tags ones for the OER Recommendation Areas addressed in your report (building-capacity, supportive-policy, inclusive-equitable-oer, sustainable-oer, or international-cooperation).


I so hope we’ll keep the conversations going!

One option is to leverage existing connections. I rarely enjoy awards. I’m now proudly displaying this badge.
Connector Extraordinaire - OE Global Connect

Sounds to me like @AjitaD, @openalexis, @GinoFransman, @Lena, @EricaHargreave, @Mario, @marcela, @paulstacey, and yours truly would all be happy to remain connected with y’all after this online portion of the conference comes to an end.

In other words: don’t be strangers!


I absolutely agree with you @Enkerli, let’s not be strangers and continue to share our stories.
Thank you for being, and proudly displaying, your Connector Extraordinaire badge. Well deserved! :smiley:


Wondering if some #OEGlobal21 participants are at #OpenEd21
#OpenEd21: Schedule

I’m sure there is much overlap! I’d love to see some cross sharing, especially if there is anything that relates to the OER Recommendation.

Bring us reports!

I noticed my colleague @clintlalonde is blogging summaries rather than tweeting, which is sooooooo refreshing

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Note, as they come in we’re tagging the reports to make them available in one place Topics tagged rapporteur-report

There’s also a Discord for the conf, which might split the participation a bit. Will try to report back. (Did a writeup in French of my OEGlobal21 experience. Will be available on our new website, to be launched #RealSoonNow.)