Let's Annotate the OER Recommendation... Together

As a series of actions to bridge the recent 2021 OEGlobal Online conference with the upcoming May 2022 in-person Congress in Nantes, we invite open educators to enrich the UNESCO Recommendation on OER by using Hypothes.is web annotation to add information, examples, commentary to specific portions of the five action areas.

Join “Rosa the Annotator” (a descendent of Rosie the Riveter) in doing this in our Pressbook space using Hypothesis.

We can Do It! Let's Annotate the UNESCO OER Recommendation
Remix of Wikimedia Commons Public Domain Image

As described in our announcement during the conference, annotation

Everything you need is provided in the OER Recommendation Pressbook but we also created a screencast guide showing multiple approaches to the process.

Look soon for more announcements as we roll out activities over the next few months, focusing on one action area at a time. But you can be like Rosa the Annotator who adds something every time she comes across a relevant detail in her research, her readings, and her social media browsing.

Join us anytime in annotating the OER Recommendation.



Rosa the Annotator messaged me and suggested some shorter demos, here is the first of maybe a series recorded in Loom, which forces me to finish in under 5 minutes.

In this example, I am adding an annotation for a project I know of that I can associate quite directly with the Building Capacity action area.

Watch on Loom

You can use this same approach to associate your own projects, policies, OERs as examples that are aligned with one of the Recommendations action areas.

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We are running a live “annotate together” session at the OERcamp.global a fabulous looking 48 hour unconference style event framed around the action areas.

Register now for OERcamp (its free as in free)

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I heard from Rosa The Annotator again. She suggested a new short video how one might annotate via scanning the text of the Recommendation and looking for a specific phrase where a note might be attached.

Watch on Loom

In this case, in the OER Recommendation Pressbook we are looking at Action Area (iii) or Encouraging effective, inclusive and equitable access to quality OER and specifically, item (b) under article 13, or:

supporting OER stakeholders to develop gender-sensitive, culturally and linguistically relevant OER, and to create local language OER, particularly in indigenous languages which are less used, under-resourced and endangered;

I focused on the text for linguistically relevant OER and attached a note pointing to the Darakht-e Danesh Library (“knowledge tree” in Dari) offers a collection of OER for learners in Afghanistan available in 8 different languages spoken there. See this annotation in context and if you know of more examples of linguistically relevant OER they can be added as a reply.

Rosa is eager to see what more annotations will appear.

Our first focus session on an action area launches November 30 when we invite you to annotate and discuss specifically the Building Capacity Action Area. See the Three Day Focus post for more details, including discussion of the action area, specific prompts for a detailed list of actions, an invite to a live annotation session.

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Now you can see a visual summary of annotation across all language versions of the OER Recommendation in a single “Crowd Layers” project page


The top menu (set to all) can be used to filter the results by language version.

Our thanks to @remikalir and his colleague Francisco Perez for making this possible.